Marie Montens
Marie Montens

Marriage and family counselor

Languages French, Dutch

Availability Monday

Book an appoitment

+32 492 43 15 39
My website
Marie Montens

When difficulties arise in relationships, drifting you apart, preventing you from finding the other and sow seeds of doubt, support becomes essential to reinforcing and re-establishing ties. 

The same applies as a stand-alone individual, when feeling lost and disconnected from self. A care support service can help you find your way back. 

Based on everyone’s specific needs, couples as much as singles, here is an opportunity to take time out, to stop and reflect.

Dialogue, questions and words will again flow,  freely bringing with them those feelings of liberty , self-reliance and closeness, not to mention emotional and sexual fulfillment.

Book an appoitment

+32 492 43 15 39
My website
Marie Montens